Hose Bibs

Childhood games and flourishing gardens flow from this small but mighty fixture located on the exterior wall of a home. . . the outside tap, the spigot, the small but mighty hose bib!

Providing quick access to water, hose bibs are commonly located on the exterior wall of a home, in a Utility room or in the garage; they are connected into the water supply of your home.

Over time, a hose spigot can become corroded or damaged. It is important to check the condition of your outdoor tap every spring and take care to winterize it come Autumn to ensure hours of fun in the sun come summer. 

Pennex can assist you in choosing the type and style that works best for you. We can also add more taps or move your existing outdoor taps to enhance convenience for you and your outdoor needs to making washing the car, watering the daisies, or hosing down the kids all that much easier.

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